Here's the gear I've currently got in my large format arsenal. 

I'm still working out all the bits & pieces that I need, and there are a few essentials still missing, but it has got me this far.
Intrepid 4x5 Mk3
Fujinon W 150mm f/5.6, Copal shutter, Toyo board
Ilford Delta 100 B&W Negative

Foma Fomapan 100 B&W Negative
SP-445 developing tank from Stearman Press

SP-76EC film developer
SP Fixer #7
SP-H2O Flow II
This is my makeshift scanning setup, which gave surprisingly good results, but is hopefully soon to be improved.

It's an iPad, 
running a lightbox app, 
over top is a sheet a glass,
 with the film resting on it, 
my Nikon D600 with Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro lens, 
suspended from a tripod, 
and a shutter release cable.
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